Easiest Way to Add a Pinterest Widget to Your Blog

Hello there!

Pinterest has turned his family into 200 million users recently. It is the most well known content bookmarking tool and it is really beneficial to most of the bloggers. Pinterest has also a very powerful tool for the widget and it is really easy to install it in any website. So, let me take you to the easiest way to add a Pinterest widget to your blog.

Step 1: Get Your Pinterest URL

Go to Pinterest and login and simply go to your profile and copy the URL. If you are in the middle of something and you think that you will lost the copied Link, then better paste into any document or sticky note temporarily.


Step 2: On Pinterest Developers Page

Now, you have to go to Pinterest Developers page where you will be available to create the widget. Double check that the account you are logged in, is yours.


Step 3: Create Widget

Select what type of Pinterest widget you want. There are some options like profile, save button, Follow button, pin and board options if you would like. I personally like the profile one, as it shows all my pins. Now the link that you copied on step one i.e. of your profile, Paste it in Pinterest user URL, choose the size of your widget and progress to step 4 :).


Step 4: Putting Your Widget on Your Blog or Website

We are almost finished!

I generally keep the widget in my sidebar of the blog, where it is visible to every reader. But you can select as you need to wish to. Now, copy the code that is generated by Pinterest. Now you to go into the admin panel of your website. Select Appearance > Widgets. Now, scroll through your options till you find ‘Custom HTML’ and choose sidebar. Paste the copied code there and save.

It’s done. Enjoy!

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